Thursday, January 21, 2010


Over the past several months, life has not been going even close to what I had planned.  I have noticed that I get upset rather easily lately.  I read two passages in a book I have had on my self for over a year and it really hit home. One on patience and another on anger, they give the "symptoms" and the "treatment."

Lord, being patient isn’t easy. I have my agenda for when things should happen – and I’m frustrated when they don’t. Patience will come to me, though, when I’m truly surrendered to You – so here I am, God. Do what You want in my life. 

Dear God, Sometimes I get angry so easily. Things go wrong, people don’t act the way I want them to, someone’s words rub me the wrong way.  Help me, Father, to control my anger, to keep it from spilling out, hurting those around me. Remind me that usually, when it comes right down to it, I’m angry simply because I can’t have my own way. Give me the strength to accept whatever You send into my life. Amen.

I have taken these passages to heart and have been more at peace over the past week. A little introspection and self-examination is necessary every once in awhile.

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