Monday, January 25, 2010

A Schedule?

Its amazing how much more you can get accomplished when you set a schedule. If you limit the time you spend on a project to 2-3 hours at a time, you will accomplish more especially if you take a 15-30 minute break and/or change projects.

I have found that this helps me get me through the day and with less stress. Understand, I didn't say no stress, but less stress. By making a schedule I find that I waste less time, especially if I schedule breaks as well.

Before you set your schedule, you need to prioritize you tasks with your family and their schedule in mind as well. You may also schedule some quiet/private/alone time if needed.
  1. Decided what type of schedule you will keep paper, computer or internet based. I keep mine on the internet and I have it sync to my phone. This allows me to update my schedule no matter where I am.
  2. Make a list of tasks and decide whether they will recur daily (i.e. daily walk, meditation, bible study, etc.)
  3. Prioritize your tasks
  4. Place these tasks on your schedule
  5. Stick to your schedule, but understand you need to be flexible
  6. Check off task as they are completed, this will give you a feeling of accomplishment.

There are multiple web sites which give you ideas on how to schedule your time. Compare it to the list above. This list has worked for me. Being flexible is important especially if you have a family and/or school-aged children.  Scheduling quiet/personal/alone time is important as well.  This will help you recharge your battery or give you a boost in the middle of the day.

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