Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Colon Cancer Awareness
It has been two years since I was diagnosed with colon cancer. My story actually begins about a year before my diagnosis. I was having difficulty going to the bathroom, though I was constipated and increased by fiber and water intake. I was not able to tell if this 'self treatment' worked as I soon found out that I was pregnant. With the iron I had to take, my constipation became a little worse.  I continued to have constipation with hemorrhoids several months after delivery so I went to see my doctor.  In addition to the constipation, I was found to be anemic. So.. my doctor sent me to get a colonoscopy, since African Americans should get screened at 45 yo (I was about to turn 46 yo). I thought not a problem, I did not have a history of colon cancer in my family.

I prepped for the colonoscopy, arrived at the specialists office early (mom, baby,and step-daughter in tow) and was prepared to get the procedure and go home.  This is what came next... I was called back, the nurse started the IV and I was given medications in preparation for the procedure. I had the procedure and was in recovery when the nurse told me the doctor needed to talk to me about the results.  He told me that he found a mass that was consistent with cancer and that I needed another more definitive procedure. I am not sure what happened the remainder of the day. I know I couldn't eat because the second procedure was scheduled for the next day.
Now you can see why I had trouble going to the bathroom

It was confirmed. I had colon cancer. The next several weeks are a blur as I underwent several scans, which showed that the cancer had spread to my lungs and liver - Stage IV Colon Cancer.  I also underwent multiple lab tests and referrals to specialists. Within two weeks I had undergone surgery, but thank God did not need a colostomy.  Within a month, I had a infusion port placed and started chemotherapy.  In the past two years I have had several different combinations of chemotherapy to try to maximize their effect and minimize side effects.  I think we have found the combination.  In addition, my most recent colonoscopy was negative with no signs of cancer and my latest scan shows only a single spot in my liver.  Right now I am waiting for my next scan, hopefully in the next few months.


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