Sunday, December 20, 2009

More Christmas Prayers

O God the Son, highest an holiest, who didst humble thyself to share our birth and our death; Bring us with the shepherds and wise men to kneel before thy lowly cradle, that we may come to sing with thine angels thy glorious praises in heaven; where with the Father and the Holy Spirit thou livest and reignest God, world without end.
Frank Colquhoun

Lord Jesus, this Christmas as we sing the familiar carols, hear the familiar readings and ponder on familiar mysteries, give to us the gift of pure worship -- that ability which Mary had of attributing to you your true worth, your full value, your inestimable greatest.

Teach us to be reverent; yet teach us how to express the love that burns within our hearts as we think of your goodness to us -- that you have come to be our light in darkness, our hope in despair, our strength in weakness, our shelter in th storm -- yes, and our eternal Saviour.
Joyce Huggett

Merciful an most loving God, by whose will and bountiful gift thine eternal Son humbled himself that he might exalt mankind, and became flesh that he might renew in us the divine image; perfect us in thy likeness, and bring us at last to rejoice in beholding thy beauty, and with all thy saints, to glorify thy grace; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.
Prayers for the Christian Year

May the joy of angels,
the eargerness of the shepherds,
the perseverance of th wise men,
the obedience of Joseph and Mary,
and the peace of the Christ child
  be yours this Christmas.
And the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be upon you and remain with you always.
The Promise of His Glory

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