Saturday, August 7, 2010

Driving While Distracted

Distracted Driving

Distractions while driving include texting, talking, messing with the GPS or radio, and even eating. Less common are putting on make-up, combing/brushing hair and shaving. Many also believe that using a hands-free device and talking to other passengers in the car are just as distracting.  In 2008, distracted drivers killed 5,870 people and injured another 515,000. Texting was found to be a factor in 200,000 accidents.

Texting while driving is illegal in 25 states, resulting in fines of about $100. In Wisconsin, four points are added to your license and if you get twelve points in a year, your license will be suspended. In Utah, you get three months in jail and up to $750 fine. If texting leads to vehicular manslaughter, you will get fifteen years in jail and a $10,000 fine. Congress is considering reducing federal highway funds to states that fail to ban texting while driving. The Department of Transportation has launched a campaign ( to raise awareness of the dangers of driving while distracted and want to increase fines and penalties.

Teenagers (16 - 19 years old) are four times likelier than older drivers to be involved in car accidents (attributed to inexperience and juvenile behavior (including speeding and tailgating) . If you add to that the distractions of texting, talking, adjusting the radio/CD player, the risk of an accident jumps. A 2009 study revealed that adults are just as likely to be texting while driving as teenage drivers (27% vs 26%), but are more likely to be talking on a cell phone while driving (61% vs 43%). lists 10 driving distractions and gives advice on how young drivers can stay focused behind the wheel. Technology has been developed to help with cellphone distractions while driving. Several smartphone applications that use the phones GPS to sense when the car is moving and will block the ability of the phone to send and receive texts. Additional equipment is necessary to have this functionality on regular cell phones. Other applications transform text into speech.

Children watch how their parents and other adults drive. If you text and drive your children or other children that you influence are more likely to do this as well. So be an good example for others.