Thursday, June 24, 2010

Life - An Education in Patience (cont.)

As I continue to practice have more patience in every aspect of my life, I find that my stress level has dropped dramatically.  I still catch my self, at times, falling back into old habits. This usually happens when I am tired or stressed. I am learning to not let things get to me as they once did. I have consciously decided not to comment on certain things and to let things happen.

I continue to do bible study daily, although I have to alter times of day as my schedule changes. I have to admit that life has become more enjoyable. I plan on to review my notes on this bible study on a regular basis.  I have also found that as my patience improves, my anger at things also improves.  I continue to go through the bible study on anger.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Life - An Education in Patience

I have finished by 1st run through studying about patience, but the process is a continuous. You can control what you say and do, but you cannot control how someone else will respond. I have been trying my best to apply this education to every part of my life.

 I have stated this more than once in my head and wondered why things weren't really going my way. It was only until I truly waited for God to answer did things begin to make sense and begin to work themselves out.

What I have also found is that although you believe that your patience has improved, those around you may not believe it has.  I press you to continue in your journey, it will soon avail itself to them and they will see your change.  And it may even show them that they may need to look at themselves as well.

I do have to admit that it has not been easy. I must admit that if it was not for my mother, I would not have been able to withstand the trials I have gone through over the past several months.  I still have a few hurdles to overcome, but she is still behind me supporting me and giving me unbiased advise. I will come back to this topic as its significance arises as life goes along.